Friday, February 8, 2008

Finally Friday!

Yay! It's finally Friday! It's snowing and dreary here, but I am happy and looking forward to the weekend! I had a leisurely, relaxing morning; I slept in a little, showered and got dressed, then lounged around my apartment while watching the news and eating breakfast. It was a perfect morning for oatmeal. In the mix was 1/3 cup of frozen berries, 1/4 cup of sliced almonds, 1/4 cup of liquid egg whites, and 1 tbsp of ground flax meal. The grapefruit that I ate this morning was so fresh and delicious; I took an extra photo to share!


Anonymous said...

How do you make your oatmeal wih egg whites? What amounts do you use, Ive never heard of doing that before. Does it give it a weird consisency? Im always looking for ways to add more protein to my oatmeal, and that sounds kind of ineresting. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hey - your blog is great, too! Did you make that pizza crust? Just wondering, it looks so perfect around the edges and mine is always all jagged and half square/half circle :)

healthy ashley said...

You have a great blog- I will definitely be back! I've noticed we eat a lot of the same things, especially the morning oatmeal. I love to mix vanilla yogurt, a banana and cinnamon into mine. Mm.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hello! What a great blog, it's so honest and is a very fun read! I just found it and will definitely come back. I love the name! I am actually working full time in Marketing right now and also going back to school for a masters in nutrition and to become and RD so I know the feeling of changing careers. Great blog! Keep it up!