Friday, August 1, 2008


The class at the gym this morning seriously kicked my butt, but it a good way! It really challenged me, especially the millions of squats that we did, which I am sure I will feel tomorrow! The class was a combo of cardio on a Bosu and muscle conditioning using free weights and our own body weight. The class definitely confirmed that my recent workouts were getting much too relaxed. I was working much harder than I usually do on my own, so I am definitely getting my money's worth so far! :)

I didn't have a snack before the gym this morning, but, by the time class started, my stomach let me know that it was a bad decision. The grumbles came on loud and strong, but they eventually went away once I started moving. After class, I stopped in Starbucks (it's location is dangerous for my wallet!) for an iced soy latte. Soy milk lattes are my faaaavorite! I'd get them more often, but jeez, they are expensive-- I paid $4 for it! It really was delicious, so I guess it was worth it.

I made breakfast in the office again today-- Kashi instant oatmeal with fresh blackberries.

Up close...

Question of the Day

With the start of the weekend coming up, what's your best tip/advice for dealing with eating out, parties, BBQs, and other social events where this is lots of yummy food?

Me: I've actually asked this question on the blog in the past, but this is an area where I often struggle with "over doing it." The more ideas and tricks for healthily navigation, the better! :)


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Hooray for energizing gym classes, and fresh blackberries!! :0)

To answer your question:

Just pick your favorite foods, enjoy/savor them, and DON'T eat like it's your last day on earth - most likely, it's not ;0)

Nicole said...

QOTD: I really struggle with this. I try my hardest to remind myself it is just another meal and not the last time I will have the opportunity to eat food like this. Since I generally eat healthy and portion control, I tend to get way too excited at BBQ's, get togethers, and eat too much of everything like a will never have a chance to again. But I need to remind myself this is not the case and it is in my power to control. Everything in moderation! But it is still very much a work in progress.

fodie818 said...

hey tina!
as a religious starbucks customer (often going more than once a day) i totally understand the dent it can put in your wallet! one idea for you, though, is to get a starbucks card and register it online. its free to register and with a registered card you don't pay for "extras" like syrups or soy milk. it saves me at least a dollar every time i get a vanilla soy latte! only a dollar... but it can add up over time! also, randomly in the mail yesterday i got a coupon for any free drink for being a registered customer! word is that starbucks is not doing so hot these days so they're all about incentives for customers!

as for your question... i don't really have an answer because it is something is struggle with greatly! i often find myself "saving up" alllll day for a big event and then totally over eating. granted i probably stayed within a normal range of calories for the entire day, but i'm going to guess that consuming 85% of them within an hour long bbq is not the best idea....

Anonymous said...

My advice is to have 1 of each of the appetizers (not 10!) and fill a plate with portions that you would eat if you were cooking at home. And have a very small piece of the dessert!

Caitlin said...

ah i struggle with this too. my advice is to drink a no-cal beverage or chew gum to prevent mindless munching. i also try to make myself scope out what's being offerred and make a conscious decision on what to eat.

congrats again on being spotlighted in the metro. thats so amazing.

Tina said...


I did NOT know about that! THANK YOU for telling me. I always get so annoyed when I have to pay extra for soy milk, plus I love coupons and free stuff. I'm going to get a card and register is this afternoon. So cool! Again, thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh Tina, speaking of the registered Starbucks card - you can get a FREE VIVANNO! I actually really like them (I've had 3 free ones now!). Last weekend they were free all day with a registered card, and now they are free every Tuesday from 2-4 pm for at least the next few weeks. They are an awesome, protein-packed way to end a workout, in my humble opinion :o)

As for eating out or at parties, I am very bad with that, too. I like VeggieGirl's tip for picking out favorite foods. Sometimes I get too caught up in "trying a little of everything" that I waste calories on foods I don't even really like!

Kristina said...

Tina! Do you go to the Backbay Healthworks?? I am a member there! Okay, so I read your blog every day, but I don't often comment, but it would be fun to do a class together or something :) I usually run outside and try to weights at the gym, so I would love to meet someone to motivate me for a class. Plus, it would be so fun to meet you! AND you drink my fav Sbux drink too! :)

Rose said...

Glad you had a nice, hard workout this morning! Don't you love starting the day off that way?

I am so glad you asked this question because I am going to a family reunion tomorrow in Pennsylvania. I just know what types of foods will be out on the table, and I'm not sure anything will really be "healthy." I plan on stocking up on as many fruits and veggies as I can and hopefully building some protein around that, depending on what they have. I will also eat dessert but look for something in a small portion. I love what Veggiegirl said because she's so right - it's not the last day on earth, so don't eat that way.

I think you must also keep in mind that it is only one day, one meal, and if you do overindulge a bit, it's not a complete failure or sabotage.

Tina said...


I do! I am a new member as of this morning! Drop me an email ( and we'll make some plans to get together! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tina,

I just discovered your blog through the Healthy Lifestyle Bloggers. Way to go!

Here's my answer to parties and bbq's: As a nearly lifelong vegetarian, I'm usually struggling with not enough choices, and most them fatty side dishes. Here's what I do. If I can, I bring something that's healthy and delicious, so I know there'll be something good for me there. If that's not an option, then mindfulness is key. If I choose to eat something I wouldn't normally have, then I make sure I really taste it, savour it and enjoy it (and stop eating it if I don't love it). I also try to sit somewhere away from the food and focus on people instead. After all, that's really why we're there, right?

Have a great weekend!


Alicia said...

That is a good question, Tina. Like the rest, I do struggle with eating out as well since food is a major thing in any culture.

In fact, I am going to attend a birthday dinner with lots of relatives and there are going to be loads of food again. I will attempt to eat only the things I really like and try not to eat so many fried items so that I can enjoy dessert(s) :) I'm pretty sure there's gonna be some dessert plus birthday cake. I must remind myself to save room for that.

Anonymous said...

I really struggle with this, too. Everyone's comments are very helpful and you all seem to have better plans than me! I try to eat as normally (and healthfully) as possible leading up to whatever event(s) are coming up. At the very least, I make sure to work out in the morning and have a good breakfast. I also make a point to have a PLATE of something and not just mindlessly pick away.

Anonymous said...

What a great way to start the Friday/weekend with a great gym workout!

I don't really have any advice because this is where I do TERRIBLE all the time too. The only thing I have learned to do is not to stand near the food table when talking. That always leads me to eating more than I should.


Samantha said...

I would love to take a class using the Bosu - such an interesting piece of equipment that can be used in so many different ways.
Do you find Starbuck's coffee to be stonger than Dunkin Donuts? I get really jittery from Starbuck's but not D.D.

Tina said...


I don't feel jittery, but I definitely feel jazzed this morning-- it could partly be because of my awesome workout this morning though! :)

Allison said...

This is something that I have sruggled with, but now I just remind myself that I am there to talk to the people, not just obsess about the food. I get a drink and stay away from the food until I am ready to eat something. Then I get my plate, get a balanced meal and then don't go by the food again. It is much easier when I get wrapped up in a good conversation.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I am in a situation where I could be tempted to eat something that is only temporarily good (store bought cake, chips, candy, margaritas, etc.) I just focus on how I would feel after eating it... unhappy. I know that if I choose something that is good long term (fruit, veggies, whole wheat bread, beans) I will feel happy afterwards. If I focus on filling up on long term feel good foods, I can have one treat without feeling guilty.

Protea said...

Oh... that brings me memories... When I lived in London I used to have starbucks frapuccinos almost every day... the ones with the coconut syrup in it. Ah! So tasty!!!!

HangryPants said...

I always read in magazines to eat something first so you are not hungry at the outing. This is not practical for me because I always want to taste the yummy new foods. It's hard not to go overboard, but a couple things I do are:

(1) Keep my standards - If it's not something I would eat otherwise, I don't even bother. For example, I don't like store bought cake or mayo based salads, so I don't even think about eating them no matter how good everyone claims they are or how many food pushers offer them to me; and

(2) On the flip side, if it's something I love and tastes really great, I have a little (or a lot), but before I go crazy I remind myself that I can buy it or ask for the recipe and make it for myself every day of the year if I want.

- Heather

Anonymous said...

I like your question of the day! Usually, I remind myself that most of the food at BBQs and family gathering is actually stuff I would never even WANT if it were not for the situation. Therefore, I find the stuff I really like, and eat normal portions of that. Then I decide which of the desserts sound most appealing and just eat a small serving of that.
BUT, if the food at the event/celebration is extraordinary, and I won't get another chance to eat it soon, I eat whatever I want until I feel satisfied. NOT FULL. Usually eating until I feel "full" just means that in about 10 minutes I'll feel STUFFED. (take for instance the indian restaurant I just ate at for was buffet...I had 2 plates of small servings and a huge piece of naan and some rice pudding...i felt full after and now I'm really regretting my full belly!)

Quinn said...

This is my downfall because I can graze on apps all day long -- I'm really not a sweets person. And at BBQ's and parties this is the #1 food available. I try to eat something before I go, so I'm less likely to eat there. Or, stock up from a fruit and veggie tray. And if it's store bought, I avoid. If I'm going to waste the calories, I want them to be from the chef's heart. Have a great weekend!

jimmi said...

tina- love your blog and your recipes!

to answer your questions, remind yourself why you are at the event! - socialize, laugh, entertain, and enjoy the PEOPLE that are there. the point is to be together, not just shove food down everyone's throat's. Take a gracious plate of appy's and hold onto it and put it down on occasion. take your time and relax. you'll notice you actually didn't eat nearly as much junk had you been concentrating so much.
