Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tasty, but Boring

Tasty, but boring pretty much sums up lunch. Again, I ate broccoli salad and leftover pepper and onion pizza. I lacked creativity at 5:15 am, so this is what I threw together in my sleepy, unmotivated state. However, the broccoli salad was especially delicious today because it had some extra time to soak-up the Dijon marinade.

To change it up a little, I ate my pizza warm today. (I know, I'm crazy.)

My lunch also included a homemade trail mix made with Kashi Go Lean Crunch, raisins, peanuts, and peanut butter and chocolate chips.

Recycle, Reuse, Reduce: Check out the clipboard under my trail mix baggie. I use it to hold a stack of scrap-paper that I write on the backside. The clipboard is perfect for taking meeting notes, writing messages to co-workers, and to-do lists.

My afternoon snack is a small iced coffee from D&D and a Kashi TLC granola bar. I didn't even have to leave my desk for today's iced coffee. My buddy treated me to a special delivery!

My brain hurts. I want to go home.


Anonymous said...

Your broccoli salad inspired me to make my own last night! I used broccoli, golden raisins, and red onion and drizzled it with balsamic. I took it for lunch today and added black beans and walnuts to the mix--delish!!

Anonymous said...

Great idea with the clip board!

Cookie said...

I like my broccoli with LOTS of salsa! Is that weird?

Tina said...


I like my broccoli with lots of salsa too! It's not weird... unless we're both weird! :)

Beth said...

This is not meant to be a totally nosy and weird question, though it will probably come out that way :D Do you budget for daily/twice daily coffees at DD and Starbucks? I was going really frequently until I realized I was spending $10 - $15 a week just on coffee (oops). Just curious about how you work it into your budget.

Tina said...


I do buy a lot of coffee, don't I? Today's was a treat, but I normally don't buy 2 a day. As for budgeting, since joining my new gym, I've registered a Starbucks card to track my spending. I put $20 on a few weeks ago, and still haven't spent all of it. I figure if I give myself a set amount, I won't spend like crazy. Also, once the weather turns cold, I'll start drinking hot coffee in the office, which is free and won't make a dent in my wallet! :)

Danielle said...

I like the way you think Tina (in response to Beth's question)! Creating a coffee budget will definitely be helpful for me! Hope the your day goes by quickly, hang in there :)

Kati said...

Your pizza and broccoli look so yum! I found your blog a couple of months ago and really enjoy it :) Hope you don't mind if I add you to my blogroll :>

Lauren said...

Hi Tina, I have a non food-related question for ya: how did you publicize your blog? I just started one on living "green", and am asking for some tips on how to get some readers! Thanks so much :)

Tina said...


I think the best way to publicize your blog is to leave comments on other people's blogs that you like. I think a lot of people found mine that way. Also, I recently created a group on facebook (all are welcome - Carrots N Cake!) that also helps drive traffic to my blog.