Wednesday, February 20, 2008

45-Minute Treadmill Workout

This is one of my favorite workouts-- both the running and walking! These are awesome, especially if you get bored out of your mind on the treadmill like I do. This morning, I did the walking workout, followed by 30 minutes of free weights (back and biceps).

Burn up to 450 calories walking or 550 calories running with this 45-minute treadmill workout from Jeanette Soloma at Crunch Fitness. You'll mix up the inclines and speed to increase your heart rate and sculpt legs and butt.
Minutes Walk
0:00-5:00 3-3.5 / 1% 3.5-4.5 / 1% 4-5
5:00-7:00 4 / 3% 5.5 / 2% 6
7:00-9:00 4 / 5% 5.5 / 3% 6-7
9:00-11:00 4 / 7% 5.5 / 4% 7
11:00-16:00 3.5 / 10% 5 / 6% 8-9
16:00-21:00 3.5 / 8% 6 / 3% 8
21:00-22:00 4.0 / 4% 5.5 / 2% 6
22:00-23:00 4.5-4.8 / 4% 7 / 2% 8
23:00-24:00 4.0 / 4% 5.5 / 2% 6
24:00-25:00 4.5-4.8 / 4% 7 / 2% 8
25:00-26:00 4.0 / 4% 5.5 / 2% 6
26:00-27:00 4.5-4.8 / 4% 7 / 2% 8
27:00-29:00 3.5 / 10% 5 / 8% 9
29:00-31:00 3.6 / 8% 5.2 / 6% 8
31:00-33:00 3.7 / 6% 5.4 / 4% 7
33:00-35:00 3.8 / 4% 5.6 / 2% 7
35:00-38:00 4.5 / 2% 6.5 / 2% 8
38:00-40:00 4.0 / 2% 5.5 / 2% 6
40:00-45:00 3.5-3 / 1% 4.5-3.5 / 1% 4-5


Anonymous said...

Love it! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I like these workouts too because you're so busy switching things back and forth, the time seems to go by faster. I usually do intervals - 1% incline, alternating one minute walking at 4.0 and one minute running at 9.0. It's HARD.

Anonymous said...

Do you hold on to the handle or pump your arms when you're doing the increased incline segments?

Jenn said...

I didn't know that you could burn that many calories just walking. I did a varied routine on my treadmill that it automatically sets and after 40 minutes it told me I only burned 180 calories. Keep in mind that I kept the pace above 5 for most of my workout, spent a decent amount of time in the 6s and 7s jogging. Just goes to show how you can't rely on machines to calculate your calories accurately.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn,

I agree. I think it would be tough to burn that many calories walking for 45 minutes. I found this workout out years ago, and it claims burning 450 calories in 45 minutes...which would probably be possible if you were running.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley,

I usually pump my arms when I am on the increased inclines. I try not to hold on the handle.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.