Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Clumsy Morning

This morning, I made 2 breakfasts: one that ended up in my belly and one that ended up all over the kitchen floor. Apparently, my morning dexterity stinks!

My first breakfast was oat bran with banana slices, walnuts, and cinnamon. It looked and smelled so wonderful! My hands were wet from wiping down the kitchen counters, and when I went to pick up my bowl, it slipped right out of my hand and smashed onto the floor. Luckily, I wasn't hurt and it didn't make a huge mess, but I was bummed because I was really looking forward to the banana-walnut mixture.

My second breakfast was oat bran, dates (no more bananas), and walnuts. It was delicious and filled me up, but I was really looking forward to banana-walnut oat bran. (Sigh)

My broken bowl with remnants of my first breakfast...

1/3 cup oat bran: 100
6 dates: 120
1/8 cup walnuts: 90
Coffee w/ H&H: 40
1 mini olive oil muffin: 80
Breakfast total: 430

Bachelorette Weekend

I am going to Las Vegas in April with a bunch of friends for a pseudo-bachelorette party. (The trip was originally planned as a vacation, but with my wedding coming up, my girlfriends have turned it into a bachelorette weekend!) My good friend, Carole, called me last night to tell me that she bought us tickets for Thunder Down Under for when we are in Vegas! I am so excited! I think the show will be hilarious, especially after drinking a few cocktails and being with my favorite girlfriends! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, two breakfasts. That sounds fabulous. If only every meal could be breakfast.

arielle said...

I've done that before. It totally sucks, I feel your pain. Second breakfast looks good though!

Anonymous said...

Oh no... that stinks you broke your bowl :/ If anything it will give you an excuse to add more pretty bowls to your registry!

Anonymous said...

When you are in Vegas, you HAVE to go to the Paris Casino and eat crepes! They are one of the most amazing things I have ever put in my mouth! I had one with berries, but they all looked incredible. Have fun. :)

Anonymous said...

I have been practicing hot yoga or hatha yoga for a month now. I find it really meditative and really good for my brains. Would you all consider it exercise?

I was just curious--some people claim it is a huge calorie-burner and some people say that previous claim is a load of bulls***.

What is the general opinion on the matter?

I mean I know I'm sweating bullets in class, but that is just water and toxins leaving my body.. How would you categorize it?


P.S. I posted this question on Jenna and Kath's blogs as well.

Anonymous said...


I would absolutely, 100% consider hot (bikram) yoga exercise. You use MANY muscles to balance and hold poses, which requires strength and endurance. In addition, the heat of the room increases your heart rate for an excellent cardiovascular workout. The bonus of hot yoga is that the heat makes muscles much more flexible, which allows for deeper stretching. And as you know, it also detoxifies the body by encouraging muscles to release toxins, which leave the body through lots and lots of sweat.

Anonymous said...

Tina, thanks for your answer!!

Unknown said...

same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. But my only other option was a cliff bar. blah.