Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

Happy Friday!!!

I'm so glad that the weekend is just about here! And (those of you with long commutes will appreciate this) Mal is picking me up from work this afternoon-- avoiding a commute home always seems to improve my day! We're off to Littleton to celebrate Easter with our families and make some wedding plans. Tomorrow morning, we have a "detailing" meeting with our reception coordinator to select the hors d'oeuvre, main course, room set-up, table linens, etc. for our reception. Mal and I haven't really talked about specifics, so we've got some work to do tonight! I'm so excited to make all of these wedding decisions. We've had the longest engagement (will be 19 months total), so I'm psyched that the time has finally come!

Breakfast this morning was bulgar with hemp milk and dates. I tired 1/2 cup of vanilla help milk and 1/4 of water, which didn't plump-up the bulgar all that much, but it made it much sweeter, so I didn't need to add sugar-free maple syrup this morning.

From above with cantaloupe "to go" and an Adora calcium disk...

1/4 cup bulgar: 160
1/2 cup hemp milk: 85
7 dates: 150
3/4 cup cantaloupe: 75
Adora disk: 30
Rice milk misto: 100
Breakfast total: 600


Unknown said...

If you have had the longest engagement, I have had the longest pre-engagement. heh. The boyfriend and I have been dating 4 years, and plan to get married, but no official engagement yet.

I hope you have a great easter celebration. I love hearing about all your wedding planning. Sounds so exciting!

Anonymous said...

Tina, I tried your Butt-kicking Glute workout last night, wow!!! I have on-demand and also did a Jillian Michaels workout. So with the combination of the both...I can barely walk today. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tina! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week. I LOVE your type of blog - I get so many ideas from healthy eaters like you, Kath, and Kristin. Are you a nutritionist, or a heath conscious gal? (Haha, or both!)

Anonymous said...

yesterday you posted some exercises. how did you learn those and which ones to do and put together?

Anonymous said...

That's fantastic you get a ride!! I can imagine how irritating a long commute day after day must be. =(

Anonymous said...


Glad you liked the workout! My butt is STILL sore!


I'm glad you are getting some good ideas!

I'm not a registered dietitian-- although I wish I was! I'm just health conscious and passionate about food. I am studying to become a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant through the American Fitness Professionals and Associates (AFPA), but I am doing so for my own personal knowledge.


I read a lot of fitness magazines to get ideas, so I basically plan my lifting workouts based on 3 or 4 different exercises for each muscle group (legs, chest, triceps, etc.), then do 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. I change up the specific exercises each time I lift.

Allison said...

My Husband and I had a long engagement as well...16 months! Looking back though, it was good, but being married is so much better, I'm not even sure what exactly makes the difference, but something does! I bet you can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Aww...I used to have an apt. in Littleton with my sister about 5 years ago-I miss it! We were 2 houses down from a shell station with a Dunkin' Donuts-DANGEROUS!! Such a cute little place =) have fun!