Thursday, March 13, 2008

Worked Through Lunch... Again!

Ugh. This work week has been hell! Make it stop!!!!! Today's lunch post is going to be short and sweet, but I'm sure you guys understand.

I ate the final 2 pieces of leftover homemade pizza and a small spinach salad with balsamic vinegar. (I really never get sick of pizza!)

Spinach salad with cucumbers, red peppers, olives, carrots, and onions...

My dessert was apricots and chocolate chips-- eaten together. Sadly, they weren't chocolate-dipped apricots, but they were still yummy!

Stress-induced decision: Molasses Clove Cookie from Dancing Deer Bakery. Hey, at least it was an all natural baked good!

2 slices pizza: ~400
Salad: 60
5 apricots: 85
1 tbsp chocolate chips: 70
Lunch total: 615

Molasses cookie: 250
Snack total: 250


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Ahh, Tina, I'm so sorry that your work-week isn't too enjoyable :0( But hey, kudos to you for still posting, and nourishing yourself! :0)

Anonymous said...

The cookie looks yummy! It may not have sweetene the situation :) but i completely understand it being a stress-induced decision, I find myself making similar choices while under pressure. I'm so sorry that you've been having such tough days at work and really hope that things lighten up for you very, very soon! In the mean time, yoga sounds like the perfect winding-down exercise... I hope you can fit it in ;). By the way, thank you for being so dedicated to the blog even with your crazy schedule, us readers really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could be friends with the person who gets sick of pizza! haha I empathize with the hellish week.. this work week has been blech..