Monday, April 28, 2008

Oatmeal Pancake with Apple Spread

Happy Monday! It's dreary in Boston, but I'm well-rested and feeling great! Mr. Mal, however, had quite a "case of the Mondays" this morning, especially after his week of staying up late, sleeping in, playing video games, and drinking Miller Lites. He'll be fine once the week gets moving.

Breakfast this morning was an oatmeal pancake with apple spread, and, on the side, kiwi slices with the skin. The skin isn't so bad, but I prefer my kiwi completely naked. I'm glad that I gave it a try though!

Kiwi with skin...

Oatmeal pancake with apple spread and a squirt of sugar-free maple syrup... yuumm!

From above on a new placemat...

At work, I made a mug of coffee with soy milk and cinnamon. I love how just a little shake of cinnamon jazzes up a cup of coffee! With my coffee, I ate a frosted lemon cookie. My coworker's sister had her wedding shower this past weekend, so she brought in leftover cookies. Working in an office with almost-daily goodies is a constant test of willpower! I usually indulge a little, but it's starting to become a habit. Office ladies-- how do you resist the temptation of work goodies, free food, the candy bowl, etc.?


Meg said...

yummm I am drinking coffee with soy milk and cinnamon right now!! I looove adding cinnamon to my coffee, and my oats, of course! Sometimes when I find that I am munching aimlessly I pop in a piece of gum or a peppermint:-)

Anonymous said...

I try to resist unless the office treat is something special. For example, Friday donuts aren't special because I can have those anytime. But homemade scones are worth indulging in!

Anonymous said...

Ha - work goodies are a constant temptation. I think it depends on my stress level.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment, Tina!
Your oatmeal pancake looks delicious.
Oh, and a very belated congrats to you and Mal! Reading about your upcoming wedding is so exciting! Plus you make me homesick for Boston.
Do you guys ever go out to the Cape? My hometown is Falmouth.

Anonymous said...


We probably get to the Cape once a summer or so. It is a gorgeous place to spend time! :)

Anne P said...

I'm with Steph... try to make it absolutely worth it :) I'm not a huge chocolate person, so that's easier for me, but I love cookies and pie and pastries and such. The way I avoid is just by bringing all sorts of fun but healthy snacks with me from home, so that I know I have something tasty and healthy already available. If I don't have snacks at work, I'm much more tempted to indulge in goodies. Also, it helps to think that swimsuit season is coming up and 5 minutes of pleasure from a cookie will not be as sweet as looking hot in my bikini! :)

Beth said...

I, too have to stay away from treats unless it is something REALLY worth it -i.e. something I can't or don't make myself. Otherwise I will eat it all!

Unknown said...

My first year out of college working in an office I was still doing Weight Watchers hardcore so it was easy and I would start each week with a new flavor Orbitz gum. I'd chew constantly and always eat throughout the day like a WW yogurt at 10, lunch at 12, 100 cal popcorn at 2, etc. But, my second year i'd made goal and the doctor told me I needed to gain about 5 lbs. Well, that 5 lbs turned into 17 and now i'm trying my hardest to lose these 10 ugly pounds so I can get back to 130ish. (I'm 5'8 and a half). Any tips would be so helpful because it's gotten really hard!!

Anne P said...

I tend to think that it's worth it if it's a fun party or something for someone's birthday and everyone is together enjoying a treat, or if coworkers are going out for a starbucks drink, or ice cream, or whatever. But if it's just something sitting in the kitchen that'd I'd be eating alone at my desk... not really worth it! :) So thinking about that helps, too.

Alicia said...

I'm glad you commented on my blog, because now I found yours :-)
What is this story with the kiwi skin? I have never seen anyone eat it until I started reading food blogs. Is it healthy? really? the hairy skin? ;-). I think I will continue to scoop it with a spoon...

Danielle said...

I interned at a magazine last summer and there were always goodies on the giveaway table... so tempting! I used to allow myself any treat once or twice a week, followed by a nice walk throughout Manhattan during my lunch break. It all balances out in the end :)

Anonymous said...


I was curious about the kiwi skin too. Here's what I found on wikipedia: "The skin is a good source of flavonoid antioxidants."

I still think the skin tastes weird, but maybe I'll leave a little on when I peel it in the future!

Cassie said...

Hi Tina,

Happy Monday! I am soo scared of eating the skin on a kiwi- for some reason I remember someone telling me when I was younger that it makes your throat itchy... haha

As for the snacking at work - believe it or not my desk is the chosen one to have the candy jar on it.. I don't know why but it is! It's nice in a way because I get to see lots of people throughout the day but I know they are only visiting for the snickers and twix bars hahaha. Anyway, even though it's on mu desk I still never find the need to snack away. I guess because in my book those candies are just not "worth it". However, a homeade lemon cookie or piece of cake - def worth it!

RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

I bring snacks with me and always make sure that I have a planned snack for the afternoon (the time when everyone gets the munchies and sends someone out for cookies or whatever). I only indulge in them when I'm really tired (that's when I eat a lot) or when it is something truly special.

Re: kiwi. I read in a book about fruit that you should rub off the hairy skin and then you can eat the skin, but that the hairy part has no benefits at all, it is the smooth part underneath that has all the additional antioxidants. I am looking for an article about it now.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great question!! :) It's something that I still need a lot of help with, but a few things I do:
-Chew Gum
-Bring my own snacks
-Go take a Walk
-Stay as FAR away as possible from the table with the food (out of sight, out of mind!!)

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Ahh, that apple-spread looks so delectable on the pancake - yum!

Kudos for resisting temptation - just bring those chocolate-dipped apricots that you make, and you won't be tempted by others' treats in the office :0D

Anonymous said...

What recipe do you use to make your oatmeal pancake? It looks delicious!

Anonymous said...


Here's the recipe for the oatmeal pancake: They're are so tasty and filing!

Anonymous said...

wow - what a fantastic idea of adding cinnamon to coffee, i've done it at starbucks before but never at home!