Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Something A Little Different

Wednesday. Hump Day. How is it only the middle of the week? Why won't this week move along faster?!? Does anyone else have ants in their pants for the weekend?

This morning was atypical. I didn't go to the gym, slept in until almost 7:00, and didn't feel like oats for breakfast. (What is going on here?) Breakfast was something a little different: Ezekiel bread toast with peanut butter, banana slices, and strawberries.

I love the texture of the Ezekiel bread-- hearty, grainy, rough... it just tastes whole.

I cut up a few fresh strawberries and added them to my remaining banana slices. I ate the bananas and strawberries together in one bite. I love the flavor of strawberry and banana together!

All together, from above...

Nothing exciting to report today... just lots and lots of work to do! However, Mal has something planned for tonight. He's being secretive and won't tell me what it is. I am definitely looking forward to some quality M&T time! Ok, coffee time. I need it!


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

I don't even may attention to the days of the week anymore, since school is out, haha. Hang in there, Tina! The weekend is almost here!

Sometimes, we all need a change - love your "new" breakfast! I agree, bananas & strawberries complement each other quite well.

Have fun figuring out Mal's surprise tonight! :0)

Anonymous said...

I'll have you know that you got me *addicted* to bulgur!! SO good...I made it with vanilla soymilk, raisins, and cinnamon this morning, and I couldn't stop raving about it. I think family members were just a bit annoyed...haha...;)

Your breakfast looks delish this morning as well!

Anonymous said...

yummy ;) i def have ants in my pants (how cute!) for the weekend... it's dragging!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You've reminded me how much I miss toast with PB&bananas!! Yum yum!

Enjoy your evening tonight!

Anonymous said...

Toast with bananas and pb is one of my FAVOURITE breakfasts. I hardly ever have it though, so it's a real treat when I actually do. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me Tina, or have you really baked something new practically everytime I visit Carrots and Cake?! It always looks DELICIOUS! Your Oat Bran Muffins sound fab~!

Jill said...

Oh man, ezekiel's bread makes my day... the way you put it is perfect, it's just 'whole!'

Becca said...

I had to have strawberries and bananas with my lunch after seeing your breakfast!