Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Whole Foods Love

What a day! My doctor's appointment went fine-- the lump on my elbow is nothing to be worried about. My doc said it's a fat deposit (sounds lovely, right?), but she is not concerned. Of course, if it changes size, becomes painful or turns a different color, she told me to make an appointment to see her again. Let's hope it just stays the same! 

My doctor's office is located above the most amazing Whole Foods in all of Boston, so I just had to stop in to browse. I love, love, love Whole Foods! In side, everything is nice, neat, fresh, and colorful. It makes me so happy to just wander around, checking out stuff and searching for new products. Ahhhhhh, the pleasures of a foodie! :) Anyway, I grabbed an iced coffee from the WF cafe, which was delicious! I had never tried their iced coffee before, and it was honestly wonderful-- so much flavor... and, the best part, I didn't use any Splenda in it! I decided to forego the chemically sweetener, and instead added 2 packets of Sugar in the Raw, which turned out to be a pleasant surprise for me. My iced coffee tasted much more "natural" than usual. The taste of just 2 packets of sugar, not Splenda, gave my coffee plenty of sweetness for minimal calories (and chemicals). My iced coffee experience today may have changed me for the better! Let's hope today will motivate me to continue to cut back on Splenda!

I also purchased 2 flavors of Larabars that I haven't tried: Pistachio and Banana Cookie. Here they are inside my bag... notice the cover of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle that I've been reading for weeks now! I'm almost finished! I didn't try either flavor of the Larabars today, but I will be sure to provide a review as soon as I do. Any initial reactions to these new-ish flavors?

Lunch today was leftover pizza from last night and a banana. The pizza was GREAT as leftovers-- the onion and garlic flavors really soaked into the dough. Yum! 

The temptation of office cookies never ends! Today, I opted for half of an oatmeal raisin cookie. Man, do I love cookies! 

My afternoon snack was a repeat of last week's cottage cheese-blueberry spread. This is SUCH a filling snack. Even when I was leaving work about 2 hours after eating it, my stomach was still super full. Love long-lasting snacks like this! 

Off to cook dinner with our "DC friends" -- lots more about them later tonight! :)


Anonymous said...

I have been wanting to read that book for months! It has a lot of holds on it at the library here, so I may have to break down and buy it. There's a great interview with B. Kingsolver on iTunes that's free and worth checking out.
p.s. Basil says, "Hi!"

WWSuzi said...

My hubby went in with a lump on his stomach and it turned out to be the same. A fat deposit ;( Wow you are the only people i've ever heard of this happening too!

Allison said...

I would like my fat to deposit itself on a lump on my elbow! also, Banana Cookie is Yummmmmm. Pistachio was good too,but Banana cookie is like dessert!

Allison said...

First, I wanted to say how relatable I find your blog. I too have a weakness for the office cookies....and the at home cookies!

Second, I actually know several people with those little lumpy fatty depsits. I don't think they are uncommon.

Anonymous said...

Banana Cookie is AMAZING. Just like banana nut bread. Never tried the pistachio but I'm curious to see how you like it!

Anonymous said...

I love the banana cookie. It is my favorite.

I had a fatty deposit like that near on my lower rib cage area. I actually had to have it removed because they weren't sure if it was a fatty deposit or not.

Congrats on skipping splenda. I am trying to cut down on my sweet n' low intake.


Anonymous said...

i love the banana larabar!

awww glad to hear nothing serious w/ your elbow!

ps - loved your post earlier reading my blog ha

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

So glad tat the doctor's appointment went well - I do hope that the deposit can go away!

Whole Foods = heaven on earth. Literally.

Um, hello?? I'm the Larabar QUEEN, haha - I highly recommend BOTH of those flavors!!! Go for 'em!!

No Longer Using said...

PB Cookie Larabar!!! you gotta do it :) i haven't tried either of these two, and i'm iffy on banana flavored things even though i love love love real bananas. can't wait to hear what you think.

Anonymous said...

How are you liking the book? I have it sitting on my table, but I have not started eating it yet. I would love your thoughts..thanks!

Anonymous said...

banana cookie is my favorite larabar!

Trying To Heal said...

I just tried the chocolate coffee one and bleck...didn't taste like chocolate or coffee at all really! i hope these bars are better! i have had the apple pie one though...that one is REALLY good!

and i have the same kind of thing you do w/ your elbow...except mine is in my cheek! hahaha...it's a fat deposit too...so i hear ya, weird, but nothing to worry about!

rebecca said...

My favorite Larabar is the newest, newest one: Coconut Creme Pie!!!! SOOOOOO Delicious!!!!

Anonymous said...

The pistachio larabar is good, I dont like bananas so I cant vouche for the other...
The other day at our small local health food store, I saw two new flavors of larabars...coconut cream pie and peanut butter cookie. OH MAN. They were gone in two days and they are now two of my favorites. Make sure to look for them!

Fitnessista said...

i would actually look forward to going to the dr if it was near a whole foods!!! (sadly, my doctor is on base...next to the crappy commissary)

i still need to try a larabar!

have fun tonight!

Anonymous said...

I've been lurking for a bit. Congrats on your wedding! I am getting married on Saturday and feeling a bit stressed. Any last minute advice for a bride-to-be? I am pretty stressed right now. I am from DC; I hope you had a nice time with your friends.

Anonymous said...

I have only tried Apple Pie and Cherry Pie - my store doesn't have too many kinds, and plus, I really like cherry so I haven't wanted to try anything else! I think after all this great advice, I should branch out and try other kinds!!

Anon said...

i could spend hours and hours in whole foods ;)

Tina said...


Hi, Basil! Love pugs! :)


The book is great! There are a ton of amazing recipes, and if you're interested in HOW food is grown and produced, you will love it! It's an impressive story!


My best advice to a bride-to-be is to remember that the day is going to happen no matter what. If something isn't perfect or something goes wrong, you will still get married, and that is the most important part. Plus when the day is all over, it's kind of sad. ENJOY IT! Good luck, and congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Thanks for your Larabar recommendations! I NEED to find the PB Cookie and Coconut Cream Pie bars! YUM!

newcitygirl said...

I need to cut back on my Splenda intake too! I always think, OK and this is one more packet of chemically altered sugar that I'm dumping into my body...haha. So good work on cutting back... I'm going to try!

Protea said...

Hey Tina
Glad to hear it was nothing serious!
About the splenda/sugar thing... Just thought I'd leave my personal experience here. I used to have 2 sugars i my coffee. I then decided to cut it down to 1 1/2, a month later why not only 1? And from there to no sugar was really easy! Today if there's half spoon of sugar in my coffee, iced coffee, tea.. I won't even drink it, it's horrible! It's totally up to you, of course, but I can definitely say, coffee tastes delicious without any sweet stuff in it! You actually start to appreciate good quality coffee and tea after that, since that's the actual flavour you taste in your drink! x D

Lindsay said...

I love Whole Foods too! And I'm lucky enough to work 6 blocks from the headquarters in Austin. You can really get some great ingredients there. Love your blog Tina!

TheRavenousMommy said...

Whole Foods is one of my favorite stores too...I can spend hours in there.

You'll really enjoy those LaraBars...the banana cookie is one of my favs.

Rosiecat24 said...

Hurray for real sugar! I absolutely refuse to eat or drink fake sugars--it's either the real stuff or nothing for me.