Tuesday, September 2, 2008


(Thank God it's a 4-Day Week!)

I am busy, busy at work! Mid-morning, I took a quick break to enjoy some French Roast coffee with milk, sweetened with agave nectar and a shake of cinnamon.

Today's lunch was a homemade salad with romaine, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, black beans, and jalapeƱos. I'm convinced that jalapeƱos make just about any meal more exciting! :)

Lunch also included a Kardea Nutrition Bar - Cranberry Almond flavor. My review of this flavor is pretty much the same as my original review of the Chai Spice bar. The Cranberry Almond bar has a delicious, strong aroma and flavor, but the same sticky, taffy-like texture, which I am meh about.

Lunch concluded with a few fresh strawberries.

Might as well enjoy them before they are out of season!


I am loving these Chobani yogurts! The consistency is amazing-- much better than other Greek yogurts I have tried. The non-fat plain variety is good, but I prefer the vanilla flavor a lot more. The vanilla is almost like eating dessert. In addition to the cereal, I added a spoonful of peanut butter to the plain Chobani to give it a little more pizazz.

My afternoon snack also included a mug of peppermint tea (also sweetened with agave nectar).


So, I am scheduled to get a much-needed haircut this evening. I haven't had my haircut since well before our wedding, so it's super long and dead on the ends. (Eww.) Anyway, I was thinking about getting bangs-- the side swipey ones. I'm still kind of on the fence. Can you picture it? Should I go for it?


Anonymous said...

I think side bands look really cute and would on you, but just a warning, they are so annoying! At least for me they were, they kept getting in my face and I felt like I was always touching them and making them greasy (haha gross, but they definitely are cute!

Anonymous said...

bangs* hehe

Tami said...

just be sure it won't bother you when you are working out or want your hair off/out of your face

Anonymous said...

i think it'd be cute! and you could always clip them back when you work out.

Anonymous said...

re: side bangs.

I would say go for it, as long as you don't mind bobby pins or headbands while you work out (I never minded).

The pros:
-cool haircut
-a nice change
-more fun than just a trim

The cons:
-growing them out (i.e. the awkward stage)
-pinning your hair, if that sort of thing bothers you
-having hair fall in your face while you're trying to balance your many work duties..

to me it's like heels, if the shoes are nice enough, the cons don't even matter. go for it!

Jessica said...

Go for the long bangs - I always like mine to be just long enought that I can tuck behing my ears if they get annoying.

HangryPants said...

Go for the bangs! I've never had bangs, so I will live vicariously through your experience. :)

Melissa and Eric said...

I love bangs on people, but HATED having them. It takes a lot longer to style your hair with them, they get dirty fast and I felt like they were always in my way (stuck in my eyelashes, blowing around every which way, etc...). However, with bangs I suddenly felt much more stylish and pony tails look really cute with bangs (my go-to hair do).

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

HAHA!! Love the "TGIA4-DW" acronym :0)

I think bangs would look good on you!!

Anonymous said...

I think bangs would look great on you! Your profile picture kinda looks like you already have them so it wouldn't be too different. Go for it! Change is good! It's only hair and it will grow back if you hate it.

Anonymous said...

Long bangs are a blessing. You can wear them down, pin them back, pouf them into a pompadour...options are endless.

Rose said...

You should totally do it. I think your hair would look super cute!

If you do end up cutting it that way, be sure to post some pics!

Anonymous said...

Definitely go for the bangs. The longer side-swept ones are not too much of a pain at all. At first they might seem a little annoying but you'll get used to them fast and they add instant style to your hair. Plus, if you can't stand them they should grow out pretty fast.

Erica said...

I'm with everyone else! I think it'd look wayyy cute. I love the Chobani. I haven't tried the Vanilla yet, its on tap for tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

haha i totally just commented on my blog how jalapenos are my newest obsession! they just add such a great kick to whatever you're eating!

I just moved back up to Boston for school and couldn't find Chobani at the Shaw's here. Where do you buy yours? I'm dying to try it!!

Catherine Weber said...

I will never, ever, EVER have bangs again. Because it took me an eternity to grow them out, and my hair grows REALLY fast. I also hate having chunks of hair flop down in my face -- I actually have a couple of layers right now that won't stay tucked, and they drive me NUTS!!

P.S. Winter hat season = greasy, crushed bangs.

So, that's my opinion on bangs. But they look cute on almost everyone!! Depends on whether you'd be irritated by them or not.

Tina said...


I get mine at Stop & Shop. They just started carrying it-- I'm so excited! :)