Saturday, February 9, 2008

La Paloma

What a day! I just finished a quick 4 mile run, and prior to working out, Mal and I had been all over the South Shore running errands. We started at the mall where I was unsuccessful replacing my cell phone, but was able to pick up a few things that I needed: conditioner, fish oil supplements, and a baby shower gift. Next, we got my car cleaned, stopped at Comcast to pick up a cable (not sure what it's for, but Mal said we needed it), then picked up and dropped off drying cleaning, and finally grabbed lunch at a little Mexican restaurant right near our apartment. Mal had a beef burrito, and I got a goat cheese enchilada. The food was good, but nothing special. 

That's Mal's hand (and chip) dipping into the salsa, which was actually delicious! My goat cheese enchilada is below.