Friday, February 29, 2008

Liquid Dinner

"Thirsty Thursday" ended up being a lot crazier than I thought. Let's just say, last night was not a good example of healthy eating and nutritious choices... but I'm not going to lie, it was a really fun evening!

The night started with 2 glasses of wine at the hotel where my friend from California was staying. A few of our friends joined us there, and we relaxed and enjoyed a couple of drinks together.

One of my glasses of wine...

We had plans to meet some friends from my old marketing job at another bar, so we headed there next. When we arrived, my friend had a cosmo in my hand before I even had a chance to take off my coat! It's our "special" drink, so I was happy that she ordered one for me.

After 3 drinks, I was ready for some food! Our table ordered a plate of nachos to share. I'm the girl who digs out the cheesiest chips to eat. Nachos are one of my favorite foods ever!

As if 3 drinks and nachos weren't enough, I topped-off my evening with an Irish Car Bomb! (An Irish Car Bomb is 1/2 a pint of Guinness that you drop a shot made with 1 0z of Jamison Whiskey and 1/2 oz of Bailey's Irish Cream into and chug before the Bailey's curdles. It's nuts!) I'm still not sure what I was thinking when I agreed to one, but it was fun and it ended my boozing for the night. After that drink, I was done!

After the Irish Car Bomb, I hung out with my friends and drank two glasses of water. I ended up leaving the bar around 10:00; my friends are party animals and stayed out much later. At home, I drank two more glasses of water before going to bed. This morning, I feel like I went out drinking last night, but I don't feel hung-over (thankfully!) It was great seeing my friends last night, but I definitely had too many drinks. Life is all about finding a good balance, and after that night, I think the weekend will be pretty tame.

One of my glasses of water... with Crazy Carl in the background!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had fun, but man I'd sure be hungover!! Love the crazy guy in the water photo ;)

Anonymous said...

looks like you had fun! i've been reading your blog for a few weeks now and enjoy it a lot!

Anonymous said...

We all need our splurge days. =) Looks like yours was a blast!

chandra said...

Ooh - I remember the first time I did an Irish Carbomb... I actually did 2 in a row! That was not a good nightfor me. :) Sounds like you had a lot of fun!!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Glad to see that you enjoyed your night!! And wow, that photograph of your wine glass is impeccable!!

arielle said...

I am also the girl that digs out the cheesiest nachos. We would have one hell of a fight :)

I love nights like this!

Anonymous said...

Haha I love the guy's face in the background of the last picture.