Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quick and Delicious Ravioli

For dinner this evening, I tried a new food product that I picked up at Good Health this past weekend: Rising Moon Organics Garlic Gorgonzola Ravioli with Spinach Pasta. I was hungry and wanted something quick for dinner, so obviously, I was psyched to remember that I had these frozen ravioli in the freezer. I loved the creative and bold flavors of the garlic and gorgonzola together. I wasn't sure whether the garlic would over-power the gorgonzola, but it didn't at all, and the gorgonzola taste really came through-- it even added a little "bite" to the aftertaste. In addition to the convenience and high-quality of these raviolis, all of Rising Moon's products are organic! You'll be seeing these again! :) 

The star of dinner...

All together with a side salad and a glass of wine...

Afternoon snack: Fage with Kashi Go Lean Crunch (I ate about 1/2 this bag). 

Before adding the Kashi to my Fage, I decided to swirl-in a spoonful of peanut butter. Yuumm!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I know I am just an anonymous reader, but I admire your relationship w/ food. You do not have an all or nothing mentality and it appears that you can have a sweet treat and not throw in the towel for the day. Have you always been like that or did you retrain yourself?

Also, is that a 1/2 cup serving of the ravioli?

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Mmm.. ravioli that's organic? I haven't seen this before. Looks delicious! I love that swirl of peanut butter in the yogurt. I've never ever though of that combination. Very innovative!

Anonymous said...


Yep, that is a 1/2 cup serving.

I think I have always had a decent relationship with food. However, there have been times that I have been overweight, abused my body, and included a lot of "fake" foods in my diet. I recent years, I have become much more knowledgeable of wellness and nutrition, which has influenced my eating habits. I've also come to enjoy food a lot more, so I try not to deprive myself. I think the way I view food and eating has been and still is a work in progress for me.

Anonymous said...

Baking treats is the best way to decompress....I'm going to try out Black Bean Brownies!! I'm so curious I just can't resist!

Anonymous said...

i've never thought to mix PB in with my fage. But since I love pretty much anything PB and am currently obsessed with greek yogurt, I'm sure it would be good. And talk about an amazing protein snack---I bet that keeps you full for hours. Just add a few chocolate chips and I would be good to go. Thanks for all your creative ideas!