Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Beans and Grains (and Chocolate!)

I am super excited! Tomorrow afternoon, I am attending a session at HSPH called Beans and Grains (and Chocolate!) with Mollie Katzen, a chef and author. Here's a description of the session:

"Most of us recognize that whole grains and beans - complex carbohydrates, as nutrition experts call them - should be a regular part of a healthy diet. We are realizing the benefit of balancing our plates with greater portions of these former "side" items. But tantalizing preparation of these wholesome ingredients can be daunting or elusive, preventing them from taking a leading role on our plates.

Join chef and author
Mollie Katzen and HUDS Director for Culinary Operations Martin Breslin as they demystify the range and preparation of beans and grains. Mollie will also share some of her bean and grain recipes, including some from her newest book The Vegetable Dishes I Can't Live Without.

Now that we're feeling virtuously healthful, did you know that chocolate can also play a healthy role in your diet? Finish off this 60-minute session and lunch with a chocolate finale from local chocolatier, Taza, and get acquainted with the beneficial properties of the cocoa bean!"

How fun does that sound? Cooking lessons, recipes, nutritious food, and chocolate! Yay!!! I'm also really excited to meet Mollie Katzen! I'm a big fan of hers. I'll be sure to include a full report tomorrow afternoon! :)

Lunch and Many, Many Snacks

I've been a bottomless pit this afternoon. I should have probably eaten a bigger lunch, but with the massive amount of protein in my salad, I figured I'd stay full for a few hours. Somehow I didn't...

Lunch was leftover Cobb Salad (with crumbled blue cheese) from last night...

...followed by 4 chocolate-wheat germ-almond-dipped- apricots...

...and an hour later, half of a large caramel chip cookie, which did nothing to fill me up (damn empty calories!), but tasted delicious...

...and finally, a banana warmed in the microwave and mashed-up with peanut butter.

I'm happy to report that I am finally full!


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Wow, that session with Mollie Katzen sounds excellent!! Have fun with that tomorrow!!

A caramel-chip cookie?!?!?! DIVINE!!! Sounds worth the splurge, for sure!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous of the Mollie Katzen session!

Do you have plans to attend Ben and Jerry's Free Cone Day? It's a smallish treat, which I know you enjoy, and super delish!

Anonymous said...

oooo Mollie Katzen, what a treat :) enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE mollie katzen!! soo jealous. one of her cookbooks was my first ever when i was 9, so she holds a special little place in my heart.

Anonymous said...


No free cone day for me-- sadly, all of the B&Js are in town (or just not that close to us). However, Baskin Robbins is having $0.31 scoop day tomorrow, so I am planning to do that tomorrow night with Mal! :)

healthy ashley said...

Have fun tomorrow! That sounds like a great time. How did you hear about the event?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like so much fun! Have a great time. =)

Daphne said...

I am so jealous! I work at HSPH too, but I didn't hear about this session. Do you work in the nutrition department? That must have been awesome. I'm such a big Mollie Katzen fan.