Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Panini Love

Mmmmmmm!! Lunch was de-lic-ious today! Man, do I love paninis... especially those made with olive oil grilled bread, warm, cheesy mozzarella, fresh, ripe tomatoes and basil! Holy hell! Lunch also included a handful of plain M&Ms (not pictured because I scarfed them down before I thought to take a photo) and an Adora dark chocolate disk. (Obviously, I have some wicked chocolate cravings today!)

My afternoon snack is currently sitting on my desk, but I am waiting until both my brain and body are hungry. I recently read an article in Health magazine about how to "Think Thin." One recommendation especially hit home for me: "Are you really hungry? Figure out if your craving is from the neck-up or shoulders-down." The stress (and boredom) of an office desk job sometimes causes me to snack mindlessly or when I am not truly hungry. Intuitive eating is not always easy for me, especially when surrounded by office treats and events with yummy foods. My new goal is to try to become more in-tune with my body's natural hunger cues and snack less when I am not really hungry.

Today's snack: cherries and a Ginger Snap Larabar...

Question of the Day

Today's Question is more for my own understanding, but I thought it may benefit others too. I recently signed up for a new email account (using my new last name)! I've used hotmail for as long as I can remember, but recently switched to gmail. I'm beginning to learn about the many, many, many helpful, cool tools that google has available to its users, but I'd like to learn about even more of them. For those of you who use gmail, what are your favorite google tools?

Thanks, all! :)


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Mmm, nothing makes a sandwich better than including fresh, ripe tomatoes and basil - yum!!

Looove your snack - I seriously can never get enough cherries or Larabars.

My favorite Google tool is Google Reader :0)

Ann said...

I love Reader too! That's how I keep up with all my blogs...Plus Calendar. Priceless ;-)

Thanks for sharing all your wedding and honeymoon pics...So fun! Congrats!

Quinn said...

Google Chat is my favorite aspect of Gmail. Way better than IM or other messaging services.

Catherine said...

A perk I LOVE about gmail is that it automatically saves your emails as you're writing them, just in case your comp. freezes or you hit a random key by mistake, so you don't lose them.

It's also super helpful that you can search through all of your past 100's of email using key words.

And yes, thank you for sharing all of your wedding/honeymoon pics!! They're all wonderful! :o)

sloank said...

I have gmail however I really do not use all of the resources, I should!! I love the calendar and gchat the most... definitely worthwhile! I'm interested to see what other people use too!

Beth said...

google chat and the ability to catergorize messages are great about gmail. you can "label" them and them archive them. kinda like putting them in folders, but less work.

Christine said...

Your enthusiasm for panini makes me want to make one. Right now! I don't have a panini maker, but I find that the George Forman grill works excellently.

I was reading your past posts. Lovely honeymoon pictures, everything looks perfect! Thanks for sharing!

Funny, I have different emails that I created to test out the different servers, but I haven't really looked at them all to figure it out. I use Yahoo for blog emails, but I still use my old email for personal use and blog comments. It gets confusing!

Erica said...

zillow.com. If you're trying to buy a house its a really cool tool!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE gmail! i like that emails and their subsequent responses are all connected as "conversations", so you are never looking for a response or anything since it's all in the same email chain!

also, i'm obsessed with google chat (gchat)... so addictive and great when bored at work ;)

No Longer Using said...

Hi Tina!! Ohmygoodness I have so much to say but I'm going to get right to the point(s).
1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG-- (have I already posted this? maybe not :) but just in case-- you really are amazing, thanks for all you do to inspire and educate and keep it real).

2. TRY THE NEW LARABAR FLAVOR!! Peanut Butter Cookie. Ingredients: Dates, Peanuts, Salt. I found this for the first time at my Trader Joe's (they JUST started carrying it and all the TJs employees were RAVING-- I go to the one in Watertown). IT TASTES JUST LIKE A PB COOKIE-- down to the slightly crumbly aspect. oh, wow. :) have a GREAT evening:) and congrats and welcome back!

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge gmail fan! I'm all about the fact that it saves and categorizes emails. Check out the "archive" button and explanation- it's a really easy tool to categorize emails based on pretty much anything-- be it sender (ex. all emails from mommy), topic, subject...etc. I use it to categorize all emails that are "feeds" with health-related topics, food/recipes..etc

The calendar is a great tool, and you can set it up so that you get an email to remind you of upcoming events, tasks, meetings...etc.

Hmmm, gmail chat is fun (same idea as AOL IM, but way easier)

I'm working on Google Reader, I don't really understand it...Im a little slow, apparently, haha :)

Jillian said...

love igoogle! and specifically in gmail, labeling and archiving email. great way to stay organized

That Girl said...

yay i have gmail too it rocks!

Anonymous said...

I recently switched to gmail from yahoo and LOVE it! I can't pick just one feature since there are multiple ones I use daily.
Panani...hmmm. I should look into making some soon!! 'Specially the pairing you did, my favorite flavors ever!!

RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

i really like using the LABEL tool. it is similar to folders but kind of different.

i really love labels + filters. just tried typing out an explanation but gmail does it better:

it's under help center: your messages: organizing:

for example.. i have a filter that automatically labels all of my emails from a certain email address so that when i archive them they are already labeled "college friends" etc.

Becca said...

I'm a little behind, but thanks for sharing details of your honeymoon! Looks like Mal did a great job with planning!

I'm so computer illiterate that I can't help with Google...I really want to set up google reader, but makes no sense to me :(

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I'm Google's biggest fan!!

I love Gmail, but think the conversations have their pros and cons. Only annoying if you forward something and don't want that person's name in the thread. The search feature is a.w.e.s.o.m.e. and has helped me find tons of things. I ove the color-coded tagging too.

I also use Google calendar. Love it. I will never go back to hand-written planners because I just print out my Google calendar and update as needed.

Love iGoogle homepage. I put everything there and it's nice to be able to access it all when you're away from home on one page (Bookmarks included).

Love Google Reader. It makes blog reading a piece of cake.

I also use Google Notebooks to save info such as recipes and books to read and that's nice because I can access it from any computer.

Gchat is awesome as well!

And I heard a rumor about that new Peanut Butter LaraBar and have been looking for it everywhere. Glad to hear it's surfaced!!

Rose said...

I love the folders and colored tab options. I also really like the g-chat, but sometimes it can get bad at work (people see your on and start chatting but you only have a minute). I also like iGoogle, although the RSS feeds aren't always up to speed.

One thing I *don't* like about gmail is what happens when you forward a message. It gets "saved" in the conversation and can get confusing (I have accidentally sent things to the wrong person!

Good luck!

Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

LOVE iGoogle. You can put so many different 'widgets' on there - from countdowns to daily Calvin & Hobbes comics to news feeds. It's amazing. And you can totally customize it yourself by moving them around and setting the background to the design of your choice. I have iGoogle as my homepage and it's amazing!

Anonymous said...

Grrr. This just deleted my previous post.

Anyway, I have a google account also and I never use it. I am excited to see about all the cool extras on here. Maybe I will need to start using it! I don’t need the Reader tool though because I have my Outlook setup to have blogs come in there. That way, to the lay person, I look like I am reading emails when it is actually blogs. :)

And why does Intuitive eating have to be so difficult????! I just wish my body only wanted to eat when it needed to. I wish I could teach myself while I am at work that boredom does not equal hunger.
