Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Chicken Stir-Fry Perfection

My wonderful husband offered to cook dinner for me tonight. I love it when he cooks, but tonight, I appreciated it much more than usual-- I'm totally and utterly exhausted, and I don't think I could have cooked anything at all. Mal cooked-up the perfect chicken stir-fry for dinner. It was exactly how I like it-- a small amount of chicken, lots of al-dente veggies, and light on the soy sauce. Per-fect!

For the stir-fry, Mal combined broccoli, green and red peppers, onions, snap peas, chunks of chicken breast, and low-sodium soy sauce. 

While waiting for dinner to cook, I snacked on a couple of handfuls of Kettle Backyard BBQ chips... 

...and a glass of Shiraz. Snacking just made me more hungry! 

Dinner and wine from above... 

We actually ate our dinner in front of the TV (and not at the table like the photo shows) while watching the movie, 21. The movie was pretty good, but the best part about 21 is that some of it was filmed at Harvard Medical School, which is right near where I work. I actually saw some of the filming on campus. For one of the "fall" scenes, the film crew stapled fake brightly colored leaves to the trees in the courtyard. It was funny seeing an amazing fall foliage in the dead of March! 

For dessert, I cut up a few strawberries, added some peanut butter and chocolate chips, and popped it all in the microwave for 30 seconds. The result was a warm bowl of soft, gooey strawberries covered in a smooth peanut butter and chocolate sauce. Yuuuum!

I am sore all over from my workouts this week, and I am taking tomorrow off! Good night, blog world! 


Danielle said...

You lucky girl, that stirfry looks delish :)

Also... how did you change your blogger format to have 3 columns? I keep trying to update mine but I don't know where to look. Thanks Tina!

Tina said...


I got the HTML code for the 3 column template from a friend of mine. If you google search "blogger templates," you might be able to find one that is similar. If you want the same template as my blog, send me an email and I will send you the code. Unfortunately, I am not that knowledgeable in HTML.

Anonymous said...

ohh man that dessert looks soo good I am not that big of a strawberry fan but that is very tempting!

Sara said...

What a great idea of a dessert! It looks delicious. I love the movie 21...makes me want to go to Vegas. :)

Anonymous said...

this may be a simple question but I have no clue what it is and where to find a reliable source for my answer! How do I know how much sugar I should be eating everyday? I love fruit but many are high in sugar and I want to make sure Im not eating too much in addition to other foods! any help is great! thanks :)

Trying To Heal said...

ahhhh...what a thoughtful husband!!!

and your dessert sounds amazing!

Tony said...

oh wow, I'm going to have to try that strawberry dessert out.

Anonymous said...

I just saw 21 a few nights ago too. That's so funny about the fake leaves.

Protea said...

Isn't it great when our other half is also conscious about their health? Thanks goodness for them! : )
ps.* things are calming down at work so I can come here more often... well for the next 2 weeks, then it goes crazy again...

Erica said...

owwww that dessert looks delicious! I loved 21! Glad you're taking tomorrow off- you deserve it! Have you taken advantage of starbucks in the morning = $2 starbucks in the afternoon deal yet?

Caitlin said...

oooooooooooooo TINA that dessert looks WONDERFUL!

Samantha said...

Mal is so sweet, yummy dessert, yes I am tagging you again. Your blog is one of my favs so I could not resist!

Tina said...


Like you mentioned, there are "good" and "bad" sugars. Here is some good information from Yahoo Health: