Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Rainy Morning Yoga

After 2 glasses of wine and a late night, it was tough getting out of bed this morning. Miraculously, I made it to the gym for an easy cardio workout and an amazing hour-long Vinyasa yoga class. I left class feeling totally relaxed and stretched from head to toe. It was a wonderful way to start a rainy morning. (Forgot to mention-- before the gym, I snacked on 3 peanut butter-pumpkin muffins.)

On my way to work, I stopped at Starbucks for an iced coffee with soy milk. I snapped a pic while waiting for the bus...

I had ordered a sweetened iced coffee at Starbucks, but I think the barista forgot to at the "sweetened" part. I stopped by the School cafe to add a little agave nectar to my iced coffee. From the little sign on the condiment bar: "Agave Nectar is an all natural sweetener drawn from agave plant. It has a lower glycemic index than sugar while packing a sweeter punch." The agave nectar reminds me a lot of honey (color, consistency, and sweetness), but it's much more "effective" in a cold beverage like iced coffee-- it dissolved much better than honey or even regular sugar. You might be seeing a lot more of this stuff on the blog in the future!

Breakfast prepared in the office: Kashi instant oatmeal with banana slices and peanut butter. As always, delish!

Inspiration on Two Wheels

Scott from One Food Guy just completed the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge this past weekend. The PMC, as it is known, is a 192-mile charity bike ride raising money for life-saving cancer treatment and research at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. The ride is a two-day event and is supported by thousands of volunteers and hundreds of corporate sponsors. One hundred percent of all rider-raised funds go directly to the Jimmy Fund.

Scott still needs to raise $1,000 - will you please help? To make your 100% tax-deductible donation online, please follow this link:

Question of the Day

In going green, what one item have you given up and what item are you refusing to give?

Me: Given up: grocery and (most) shopping bags. Mal and I have quite a collection of reusable bags now, and we take them shopping with us almost all of the time. Haven't given up: cleaning products. We currently don't use all-natural products, but I think the next time we need to replace a cleaning product, we'll buy something organic.


RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

i feel guilty about the cleaning products i use, and also worry about what kinds of chemicals they are spreading around my condo, but at the same time i just feel like the green/more natural ones just don't do the job right. if you find a good one you like please share!

Melanie said...

Hi Tina! I currently use Seventh Generation and other kinds of cleaning products in my apartment. I've been using them for quite some time now and they work very well! I've recently been using Sun & Earth and Method laundry detergents - I like both! Seventh Generation is available at Target and is not anymore expensive than supermarket brands.

I do recycle extensively but still feel badly about the amount of garbage I produce so will continue to work on that. Oh and I have to drive to work because I work in a suburb of DC and public transporation it quite limited going away from the city.

Glad you enjoyed yoga! I've been wanting to try Bikram!

Melanie said...

I meant other kinds of environmentally friendly products in addition to Seventh Generation....

sloank said...

Hi Tina! You seem to be working out a lot harder/longer now that you've joined the new gym (or maybe not at all... I could be wrong?), do you find your appetite has increased at all? And if you do, how are you handling that so not to overindulge too much? Thanks!!

arielle said...

I really like Seventh Generation, too, and also Greening the Cleaning brand. Seventh Generation is much easier to find though.

I use reusable bags. I also don't own a car, but while it's indirectly great for the environment, I can't say that's why I don't have one.

I can't give up paper towels/napkins. Reusing the same cloth ones grosses me out, I'm kind of a freak about that kind of thing. But I do buy recycled, which I guess is a step in the right direction.

Tina said...


My workouts are probably a little bit tougher since joining the gym, but my appetite hasn't changed all that much. I do find myself a bit more hungry in the morning after a workout. I've been trying to eat a few more calories and get some quality protein (peanut butter) at breakfast.

Meg said...

My next goal is to start using agave nectar in my diet. How much do you have to use to get the desired sweetness in your coffee? Have you tried it in oatmeal yet?

One Food Guy said...

Hi Tina, thanks for the link to my fund raising page. The Pan Mass Challenge was awesome and meeting cancer survivors inspires me to continue raising money for the cause.

As for going green, I've had a hard time giving up bottled water.

I do use canvas bags at the supermarket though, and I've replaced all my light bulbs with CFLs and appliances with energy star rated ones when they need replacing.

Thanks again!

PonderingRunningYogi said...

In "going green" I now use reusable shopping bags for grocery shopping and walk to/from work, stores, and restaurants when I can.

I don't recycle at home :( I don't use many bottles/cans, but I'm sure the cardboard boxes build up!

Good question!

Brianne said...

Defiantly get some eco friendly cleaning products- I made the switch when I was pregnant and now conventional products smell TERRIBLE and make me feel awful (I can't even go down the cleaning isle anymore without feeling sick!). Vinegar is the best cleaning product EVER- it leaves no residue and naturally disinfects. Invest in a spray bottle and= all purpose cleaner! Its also cleans glass very well. I use straight vinegar to clean my floors as well. My favorite dish washing soap is ecover- I don't like sev. gen. but I do like their other products including laundry soap. Baking soda is also a great cleaner- its an all natural scrub... great for tubs and sinks. Conventional products are awful for your health and environment- they also are proven to age you (Dr. oz on Oprah talked about it)... make the switch my dear! I should also mention I am a bit of a clean freak but I feel really good about using natural products!

Tina said...


I used about a teaspoon of the agave nectar in my coffee, which added quite a bit of sweetness. I haven't tried it in oatmeal yet, but I bet it would be delicious!

Jordan said...

I'm sure you've heard tons about it already, but I absolutely ADORE the Clorox Greenworks cleaner. The regular surface cleaner smells amazinggggg & I can comfortably clean my kitchen counters with it, without worrying about it getting on things sitting up there [i.e. bananas, bread, etc.] I would probably eat off my counter comfortably =P

Tami said...

we use some 7th generation but i really LOVe making my own cleaning supplies! seventh is made in vermont and they have coupons on their website

Anonymous said...

IMO there is nothing better than YOGA with the sound of pouring rainas a backdrop...


Anonymous said...

I am a huge fan of agave nectar. It dissolves easily in cold liquid and makes a great topping for oatmeal, pancakes, berries or yogurt. It is similar in consistency to honey, but is a bit thinner and very sweet. Thus, a little goes a long way. The only downside is that it is more expensive. But if you don't use a lot of sweetener to begin with (like me) it's definitely worth it.

Anonymous said...

I just switched to Seventh Gen. kitchen counter cleaner and LOVE it. It's way more effective than the new Clorox and Method brand. I love Method's bathroom products (in Eucalyptus Mint) too.

Love my B Happy reusable bags!!

Unknown said...

Hi Tina! I, like you, have really stopped using plastic bags! I always recycle and even bring somethings home from work to recycle!

I found this website today and thought it had some great info on green cleaning products:

Quinn said...

We're trying to use our own bags, and actually I LOVE Envirobags. Very chic and good for the environment. But the bags we do have we use for poop scoops. Glamorous, I know.

We've also changed all our lightbulbs to be the enviro-friendly ones. And they last sooo much longer and save us money on our electric bill each month. Added bonus.

Anonymous said...

I have really been changing my ways this year and my "green" success is with cleaning products (method at target, ecover dishwasher tablets from WF's or Shaws), I also have tons of reusable bags from everytime I forget one even (just buy another-so bad), and the best is my sigg water bottle!

I want to start buying seventh generation or WF's toilet paper and paper towel but have tried to not use too much at once.

Agave is one of my favorites-I even bake with it.

I am happy you are liking healthworks! If you ever want to try a great heated room yoga place, head over to Sadhana in the south end, I love it! I swear I sweat out all toxins and wake up incredibly refreshed after a night class.

Peggy said...

I've switched to reusable bags, enviro friendly light bulbs, reusable water bottles as often as possible, limit use of paper towels (use rags or wash cloths and throw them in the washer)

I want to switch to environmentally friendly cleaning products really soon.

I don't recycle - I hate to admit that. Got to start doing that.

Anonymous said...

HI Tina! I'm enjoying your blog! What do you know about vitamin water? Are they really good for you? What's the best one? They cost so much money. (for water) Are there any bargan brands? I think it's so cute that at 28 yrs. old your mother is still cutting up your food! Your very lucky to have her!

Tina said...


THANK YOU for your cleaning product recommendations! We use the Method brand for a few of our cleaning products, but I want to try the Seventh Generation brand as well. Sounds like a lot of people really like it!


I don't drink vitamin water. If you look closely at the nutritional information, a bottle is loaded with sugar. It's basically sugar with a few vitamins thrown in. I prefer to get my vitamins from whole foods and/or a multivitamin.

One Food Guy said...

Hey Anon, I agree with Tina. While Vitamin Water does taste good, it's loaded with refined simple sugars AND calories. Check out these two posts for more info.

Unknown said...

Great site, Tina!

I avoid all chemical cleaners and find that a ratio of 1:1 water and white vinegar in a spray bottle, with a few drops of 7th Generation dish soap, makes a perfect all purpose cleaner. Additionally, Bon Ami is another great option.