Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fast and Furious

I woke up feeling well-rested and ready to roll! I slept in a little this morning (6:00 am), so I only had about 40-45 minutes to exercise, but I was in the mood for a sweaty workout. I decided on a fast and furious 30 minute treadmill run. I warmed-up for 5 minutes with a slow jog, then got right into it with varying speeds and intervals, and then cooled down with a slow walk and some stretching. I was a sweaty mess by the end!

Before my workout, I drank a big glass of water and snacked on an Oatmeal Raisin Bar.

Breakfast this morning was egg whites on whole wheat toast with buffalo sauce and a sliced banana with a scoop of Barney Butter on the side-- a very filling meal!

As always, iced coffee to go... I forgot to take a photo at home/on my commute, so I snapped one when I got to work.

More on Sugar

I left all of the handouts from the workshop at home, so I'll post some of the tips for reducing sugar intake/cravings/dependence later tonight for you guys. From what I remember, other sweetener alternatives are:

  • Agave nectar
  • Stevia (powder and liquid form)
  • Organic maple syrup
  • Honey
  • Blackstrap molasses
I apologize for the confusion about Sugar in the Raw. I emailed the health counselor for clarification, so I'll let you all know as soon as I hear back from her. Maybe I misunderstood her? Sorry, guys!

Question of the Day

Despite being "unhealthy" for you, what food(s) do you have trouble giving up?

Me: D&D iced coffee with milk and sugar-- it's so delicious! I don't think I will ever give it up! Also, peanut butter and chocolate chips. I try not to look at the ingredient list on the bag too often. (Denial!) I eat them almost every day, so I kind of hope that I will get sick of them soon! :)

Barney Butter Contest

I've received some very witty and hilarious poem entries already! Keep them coming! :)


Meg said...

I have finally given up Sweet n Low thanks to flavored stevia drops and agave nectar. Now, I am working on giving up sugar free gum! That is the only artificial sugar left in my diet.

Sounds like you had an awesome workout!

Anonymous said...

I am studying to be an RD and my nutrition teacher also said that sugar in the raw and regular white sugar are the exact same thing!! It's crazy how marketing can be so deceiving!

Anonymous said...

french fries! I try to only have them every now and then - but i will never be able to resist good fries!

Amanda said...

me - ice cream!! i try to have frozen yogurt and tell myself i'm getting calcium but i have a big issue with portion control (eating it out of the carton doesn't help haha)

Anonymous said...

Sigh. so much for staying in the dark about artificial sweeteners... ; )

Hopefully Starbucks will start carrying stevia and stevia-sweetened flavors (I looove the skinny vanilla lattes!)

And just so I'm not mistaken and can't stop looking in the Boston area - you don't purchase your barney butter in stores right? you order it/have it sent to you?

HeatherBakes said...

I've used agave nectar in baking (it works great), but never thought to try it as a beverage sweetener... interesting.

I can NOT give up Diet Coke. It's horrible and I've cut back a little, but I've never been able to cut it out completely.

Tina said...


Sadly, Barney Butter has not made it to the east coast yet. You can order it directly from their website, which is pricey, but well worth it!

RunToTheFinish said...

I know that cookies and ice cream are probably not the greatest things on earth for me... but then I think well you only live once!

I'm working now just to make more organic or wholesome choices for those sweet treats.

Anonymous said...

Stevia is my life- I am so glad I have it.

Tina, this is a superfun question:

I, like Heather, cannot stop drinking Diet Coke (or Diet Satan, as I call it). I have a 16 oz. bottle 1-2 times a week and I love it so much. It makes me incredibly happy.

I also, like Lauren, LOVE french fries. But not, like, McDonald's french fries- delicious thick steak frites. Whenever I go to Europe (England, Ireland, etc.) I literally have French Fries with every meal. Mmmmm.

Anonymous said...

All this sugar info is so interesting. I don't have much of a sweet tooth and I've never added sugar to my coffee or tea, but it's all good to keep in mind, especially for baking! (P.S. the cocoa brownies from last month's issue of Shape are great!)

My vices: cheese, wine, and coffee. I just try to enjoy them in moderation.

Bridget said...

Definintely ice cream and cheese...like really good cheese shop cheese...you just cant get low-fat versions of that stuff!

Tina said...

Re: Cheese

I LOVE cheese-- of course, the full-fat versions are the best! I could never, ever give it up! :)

Anonymous said...

hey tina! just saw your posts from yesterday and was wondering what you thought of the new starbucks whole grain roll thing. was it good? i've been wanting to try the food on their new "health" line :)

Tina said...

Anne P,

To be honest, I wasn't impressed with the roll. BUT, I did eat it at 5:00 pm, so it had been sitting in the pasty case all day long. I assume it'd probably taste better first thing in the morning.

Krista said...

The one "food" item that I will most likely NEVER give up is chocolate! I love it in all forms....expect for the oil based Easter eggs---YUCK!


Anonymous said...


Although after your artificial sweetener post (and also the fact that I'm out of equal today), I had it with just milk today for the first time ever in my life. Not too bad.

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Sounds like your day is off to a wonderful start - hooray!! :0)

Food item I can't give up = my homemade baked goods :0)

Anonymous said...

I just sent in my Barney Butter poem! So fun and whoo hoo for slow mornings at the office!

Protea said...

I can go a few days without chocolate but I have some sort of adiction/obsession with muffins in the morning... I fight with myself every morning trying to get up to the office without stopping at one of 3 coffee shops I can get them from. Painful...

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the run! Is it hard to work out that intensely in the morning, or are you just used to it?

My weakness is probably candy. I know it's totally chemicals, but I just love it! I try not to eat it more than once a week, if that. But sometimes I just go ape at Coldstone because I've been denying myself for so long!

Anonymous said...

Yogurt raisins. I will have insatiable yogurt raisin cravings, despite the knowledge that if I buy them I'll make myself sick from the double dose of sugar! They're like crack.

Tina said...


Yea, I guess I am just used to it-- but, there are definitely some mornings that I can't even think about running hard! A glass of water and a small snack help to wake me up too.

Protea said...

Ohm, you must try the chocolate and nut biscotti recipe I tried today, it's from Deb at Smitten Kitchen - fantastic!! I posted the recipe today too.

Chris said...

I wish I could give up cookies and chocolate! I can take or leave ice cream, cakes, pies, etc...but cookies and chocolate (especially chocolate chip cookies) are the death of my healthy diet attempts!

Caitlin said...

coffee is like liquid crack to me, and the only time i intend to give it up is during pregnancy. :)

Tami said...

homemade baked goods. i can't just have ONE or two or 3....its' bad. but it's so entertaining and a good thing to do with my kids.

springnettles said...

That breakfast does look filling and wonderful, but I was wondering what you may suggest for those of us (me) who do not like eggs OR bananas... ugh!

Thanks! I just "stumbled" your blog and I have bookmarked it on my toolbar! Yippee for eating, exercising, & feeling good!

Hayley said...

I've never posted on your blog before, but I LOVE it!!! It is one that I read every day - more than once! :) You are very inspiring to me and I love all of your meals! They look very healthy and very yummy.

I just read your most recent post and answer to the question about one of the foods you can't give up. I noticed you put peanut butter...do you consider that to not be a "good" food? Thank you! :)

Tina said...


Check out the 'breakfast' label on my blog (lower right). It has lots of breakfast ideas!


I meant peanut butter chips and chocolate chips in my morning post. They frequent the blog as a dessert, but are not very healthy at all. However, I think peanut butter is a GREAT food. It's calorie-dense, but full of good fats and protein... and obviously, DELICIOUS! :)

Anonymous said...

Tina, you can get peanut butter chips without partially-hydrogenated fats at Whole Foods, which are probably somewhat healthier. They are kinda pricey though ($4.99 per bag).

Hayley said...

Awesome Tina, thanks! :) I was thinking the same thing about PB but was bummed when I thought you meant that it was a food you 'allowed' yourself to have...

Thanks again for such a great blog!

Jordan said...

My two vices are cheese [specifically brie] & wine. Nomnomnomnom.